Now this is a term that always raises questions. The reason is that Victoria was Queen for a long time and fashion was changing at about the same rate as it does today, but even more radically. So the lady of the house is likely to have a totally different look for each decade of the 19th century and you need to think carefully about the time in which you are setting your house. For an overview of the main changes in the fashionable shape, you might find it helpful to have a look at the Victorians page in the History of Costume Series.

On closer questioning, most customers find that they are aiming for the late Victorian period, which tends to merge into Edwardian, so those dolls are separated out and put onto the next two pages. This page deals with the ones that are positively Victorian. You will find that this tends to apply most to the ladies, as men's wear was changing more slowly and therefore has a longer time span, like the staff. Interestingly though, maids can often be dated by their hairstyle and cap, even though their dress remained pretty much unchanged.

This family is from the 1830's - in the reign of William IV, just before Victoria, but stylistically better here than on the previous page.

Francesca, lady in outdoor dress  £72

Ferdinand, gentleman in outdoor dress  £62

The taller boy is Andrew #2 (see below)  £38 

The smaller 5-6 year old boy is Louis  £38 

Lucinda, 7-8 year old girl  £58

Of the same period, which coincides with the German Biedermeier movement, is this couple:

Roland, gentleman in full-skirted frock coat 1830-60  £58

Adelina, lady in indoor dress 1830's. Big hair and sleeves were the notable features of the day £68

The Policeman dates from around 1845 to 1869. By 1870 they were wearing the familiar domed helmet, which I have never figured out how to make. This one with his top hat is repeatable for £58



Jessica #1, lady in day dress 1840-60 (blue print)   £68 

Jerome, gentleman in day dress 1840-60    £53  In stock one only at this price, then will be £58

Andrew #1, 7-8 year old boy in tunic & cap 1850-90   £33  In stock one only at this price, then will be £38

Rachel, parlourmaid 1840-70  £48 




Jessica #2, lady in day dress 1840-60 (royal blue)   £68

Bea, 3-4 year old girl 1840-70  £38   



Jessica #4, lady in day dress 1840-60 (golden brown)   £68

The taller boy is Andrew #2 (see above)  £38 

The smaller 5-6 year old boy is Louis  £38  In stock


Gordon, officer, British Army 1840-1900  £58  

Victoria #1, lady in ball dress 1850's   £68

(I have done many variations. This one is based on my larger scale version.)

Albert, gentleman in evening dress 1840-1910   £58  


Sylvia, 14 -15 year old girl  1840-65  £48


Agatha, Lady in outdoor dress 1860's, a miniature version of the one shown on the History of Costume, Victorians page £72

Rodney, Naval Officer 1850-1900  £58

Cordelia, lady in evening dress 1870's   £68  In stock

Maxine, older lady in evening dress 1870's   £68

Belle, lady in Tissot style bustle dress 1870's   £68  In stock

Stella, 14-15 year old girl in riding costume 1860-90  £58

Sarah, lady in outdoor dress 1870's   £68


Virginia, lady in indoor dress 1875-83    £68

Tina, 7-8 year old girl in bustle dress 1870's   £58

Bernard, gentleman in frock coat 1850-90   £58  


Rosalie, 14-15 year old in pink bustle dress 1875-85 £68  

Angela, 7-8 year old in blue bustle dress 1875-85 £58


Patricia, parlourmaid 1870-80's   £48   

Herbert, grandfather in frock coat 1850-1900   £58


George #1, gentleman in lounge suit 1880-today  £58

Helen, lady in suit with leg-o-mutton sleeves & hat 1893-97   £68  


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