Now this is where it starts to get a bit complicated. I should call this section Victorian / Edwardian, but for a slightly shorter option I have borrowed the term 'Vicwardian' that I once saw applied to the type of domestic architecture currently in vogue, which I think describes the slightly fuzzy blending of styles rather well. Most of the dolls on this page have quite a long time span, covering at least part if not all of the Victorian era and going on into Edwardian or beyond. As I have said before - check the dates to get the appropriate mix.  Be sure to have a look at  the Victorian and Edwardian pages too.

Nigel #2, gentleman in frock coat 1870-1910  £58  

Tilly, 'lady' in corset & drawers 1860-1910  £48

Maud, older countrywoman dozing 1840-1910  £48  In stock


Theodore, vicar 1840-today   £53  In stock one only at this price, then will be £58

Norah, housemaid 1870-1910   £48   

Henry, gardener 1880-1940 wearing a traditional blue apron   £33  In stock one only at this price, then will be £38 

Bert, gardener / handyman 1870-1940   £38  

Polly, tweeny / scullery maid 1840-1910   £38   

Martha, cook 1840-1910   £48 

Kenneth, shopkeeper 1840-1920   £33  In stock one only at this price, then will be £38 

Sam, errand boy 1880-1950   £38 

Sally, 7-8 year old urchin girl 1840-1910   £38


Darcie #1, Nanny 1870-1910   £48  

Harriet, baby in gown & shawl 1840-today   £17 

Dorcas, housekeeper 1840-1910    £48  

Chloe, lady in corset & petticoat 1840-1910 (this version of Chloe has her hair 'up', but if you prefer it 'down', just say so)   £48 

Alternative Housekeeper   £40

Darcie #1, Nanny 1870-1910   £48  

Harriet, baby in gown & shawl 1840-today   £17 

Governess   £40

Morag, countrywoman 1890-1915   £48   

George #3, gentleman in lounge suit 1880-today   £58  In stock

Darcie #2, Nanny in outdoor dress 1870-1910   £48

Laurence, gentleman in regimental evening dress 1840-1910   £53   In stock one only at this price, then will be £58  He would be a suitable partner for Victoria, Cordelia (Victorian) or Estelle (Edwardian), as would Albert (below).

Charlie, bellboy 1840-1930   £38   

Bentley, butler 1840-1910   £48  In stock


Rory, stable boy 1840-1900  £38

Gordon, officer, British Army 1840-1900  £58  

Albert, gentleman in evening dress 1840-1910   £58 


Jasper, stout gentleman in country suit 1880-1930   £58 

Irene, grandmother 1840-1910   £48 

Harold, grandfather in smoking jacket and cap   £58   


Dennis, footman 1840-1910  £48 

Vernon, barman 1840-1930  £38   


Artist in smock, 1850-1910   £48

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